Bomb Threat

The bottom line is that what can start out as a joke or a prank can turn into an extremely serious situation that can affect a person who is charged for life. If you or a loved on is facing a criminal charge for making a false threat contact the criminal defense lawyers at The Herbst Firm immediately for a free consultation. Benjamin Herbst has personally handled these types of cases, and understands what it takes to defend against the accusations. The false bomb threat laws are designed to punish anyone, but more often than not the defendants in these cases are juveniles and young adults. We have seen juveniles and high school age students accused of this offense that have never been in any kind of legal trouble before in their lives, including A and B students. Peer pressure can lead a juvenile or young adult to engage in this type of behavior when they would have never in a million years done so on their own volition. Many younger people simply do not understand the consequences of a simple prank, but they are real, and if not handled properly can affect the defendant for the rest of his or her life. Charges for this offense can be brought in multiple jurisdictions. For example if the threat was conducted by phone the state can bring charges in either the place where the call was made or in the place where the call was received. In certain circumstances the defendant may even face prosecution in two jurisdictions at the same time. There are many ways to defend against a false threat charge, and we would be happy to discuss the specific facts and circumstances regarding your case or your child’s case. To reach us anytime either fill out a contact form on the website or call 410-207-2598.